
Error when using the addon

Opened this issue · 1 comments

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Error when trying to copy folder


Skript: 2.8.4
Server: Current: git-Purpur-2062 (MC: 1.20.1)*
Skent: 3.2.2


command /save:
		copy file path "/world/" to file path "/savedworlds/"



Hi 👋🏻

Thank you for the report. It should show you a FileNotFound error instead of a IO exception. That being said, you have this error because your directory /world/ does not exist.

Remember, when using a / at the start of the path, it mean "root" in Linux, which is not your server root. You can see what the "real" file path looks like by using absolute path of file path "/world/".

By default, your paths are already in the server root, so removing your / at the beginning of your path should fix this issue.

Please reopen this issue if it is not fixed.