- The core of the agent, has all functions regarding building custom environments
- All reward, punishment and agent interactions are developed here.
- Responsible for filtration and quantization of the time horizon using non-preemptive EDF
- Training agent starting point is here.
- Has the DQN Model functions
- Updated evaluation framework for pre-generated datasets for online environment
- It is configured to evaluate on the previously generated datasets from DatasetGeneration.py file
- Initially loads the trained agent from ray_results folder, then loads checkpoint and starts evaluation
- Results are recoreded into textfiles and graphs.
- Original file for evaluation of the agent
- Evaluation is done using data generated on the fly, not pre-generated sets.
- Generate each job instance based on the work by Baruah and Guo(2013)
- Generate dataset of job instances based on specific parameters: -- Number of Jobs, job generation characteristics and number of instances.
- Load the training data which was generated on the fly and analyses the data to find average characteristics of training dataset