
A Django Management Command for displaying details about your project's models

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A Django Management Command for displaying details about your project's models.

Warning: This project is still very new. Expect to see proper testing and an example app demonstrating the command soon.

When working with large projects or when returning to a code base after some time away, it can be challenging to remember all of the fields and methods associated with your models. This command makes it easy to see:

  • basic details about each model, such as the database table name, the file and line number where the model is located, etc.
  • what fields are available
  • how each field is referred to in queries (direct/reverse relations)
  • each field’s class
  • each field’s representation type in the database
  • what methods are available
  • method signatures
  • method location and line number
  • etc

This package takes the original list_model_info command I wrote for django-extensions to a whole new level. I attempted to simplify some aspects of configuration, while increasing the overall amount of information provided.

The beautiful interface is thanks to rich


The full documentation will (soon) be at https://django-model-info.readthedocs.io.


Install django-model-info:

pip install django-model-info

Add it to your `INSTALLED_APPS`:


Run the management command:

>>> python manage.py model_info

An example of the resulting output can be seen here. This example shows the most verbose (level 3) details for a single model.


You can customize the output in a number of ways.


Verbosity levels adjust the amount of information displayed to the console, and is set with the -v or --verbosity argument.

  • 0 - Model names only - Convenient when you just need a list of all your project's models in one place
  • 1 - Model names, field names, and non-dunder/common model method names
  • 2 - Model names, field names & details, and non-dunder/common model method names & details
  • 3 - Model names, field names & details, and all model method names & full details

Note: The default verbosity in django-model-info is 2

From the command-line:

>>> python manage.py model_info --v 0
>>> python manage.py model_info --verbosity 0

You can specify a different default verbosity value in your settings file.



By default, all models within your project are processed and displayed. For large projects, this can result in an enormous output. If you want to limit output to a subset of models, you can use the -f or --filter argument, providing one or more of the following:

  • Models, in the form of appname.Model
  • Apps, in the form of appname

If Django is unable to find provided entries, a message will be written to the console, and the remaining models will be processed and displayed.

From the command-line, here is an example that processes all models in the myapp and auth apps, and also the otherapp.SpecificModel model:

>>> python manage.py model_info --f myapp otherapp.SpecificModel auth
>>> python manage.py model_info --filter myapp otherapp.SpecificModel auth

You can specify a list of default apps and models to process in your settings file. Using the command-line example names above:

MODEL_INFO_FILTER = ["myapp", "otherapp.SpecificModel", "auth"]


django-model-info can optionally export the console output to an html or text file. The extension of the provided filename must be .txt, .htm, or .html.

>>> python manage.py model_info -e myfilename.html
>>> python manage.py model_info --export myfilename.html

Running Tests

In progress.

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install tox
(myenv) $ tox


Tools used in rendering this package: