
Need help set up local webserver - port forwarding question

madmax2 opened this issue · 3 comments

When setting up port forwarding for local webserver..
what is the LAN port we should use?

-Default: globalConfig.listenerPort: '8099'
-YOUR_INTERNAL_NODE_IP = e.g. (Node JS server is installed on this PC)

So in portforwarding what do we put?

NAME = Kodi
Protocol = (TCP/UDP/Both) - which one do we choose?
WAN port = 8099
LAN port = ????
Destination IP =

Please tell me if I need to correct any data filled above, what protocol do I choose
and what is the LAN port both?

Also someone please update the readme file to include the additional info of LAN port so that we can do port forwarding correctly since this is one of the causes of failure in setting this up correctly.

you define the WAN and LAN ports yourself. we have it preconfigured with 8099 as stated in the documentation, so your LAN-Port is 8099 if you did not change our default.
As for the protocol, TCP is sufficient. "Both" is fine, too.

Also someone please update the readme file to include the additional info of LAN port so that we can do port forwarding correctly since this is one of the causes of failure in setting this up correctly.

Please give it a shot yourself, I am not able to make it any clearer.

I have finally gotten around to try and re-activate voice activation for Kodi but also am not finding the instructions clear.

Currently my Kodi is on the Nvidia Shield and worked fine for a long time with Glitch. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to do the webserver steps on Android so I bought a Pi Zero W and installed Docker on it. I didn't have any trouble pulling the OmerTu image and have signed up with No-IP so once I update all the IFTTT commands I wouldn't have to do it each time. I opened a port on the router to point to the Pi running DietPi. (There is already one open for the Kodi on the Shield.)

But I am confused by the last steps. The instructions seem to imply that Kodi should be on the same machine. The No-IP doesn't give me an option to point to the Pi, just my WAN address. So when I put that address in IFTTT commands, it doesn't work.

I probably have multiple issues, as it doesn't appear that Docker is registering the configuration YML file. Also, will the IFTTT commands need to log in to the Pi? I'm doing lots of Google searches but if anyone has step by step instructions for running this on a Pi, I would appreciate it.

Currently my Kodi is on the Nvidia Shield and worked fine for a long time with Glitch. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to do the webserver steps on Android so I bought a Pi Zero W and installed Docker on it. I didn't have any trouble pulling the OmerTu image and have signed up with No-IP so once I update all the IFTTT commands I wouldn't have to do it each time. I opened a port on the router to point to the Pi running DietPi. (There is already one open for the Kodi on the Shield.)

sounds good so far

But I am confused by the last steps. The instructions seem to imply that Kodi should be on the same machine. The No-IP doesn't give me an option to point to the Pi, just my WAN address. So when I put that address in IFTTT commands, it doesn't work.

where does it imply, that kodi should be on the same machine?
its fine, no-ip should just point to the wan IP.
the router then redirects the request with portforwarding to the pi.
then use the KODI_IP configuration, to point from the pi to the nvidia shield

I probably have multiple issues, as it doesn't appear that Docker is registering the configuration YML file. Also, will the IFTTT commands need to log in to the Pi? I'm doing lots of Google searches but if anyone has step by step instructions for running this on a Pi, I would appreciate it.

what do you mean with "registering"?
the pi would not ask IFTTT for a login, there seems to be an issue with your port-forwarding on your router pointing to something other than the node application on the pi.