[Fix README.md] - mute, play next unwatched episode of a TV show
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Change volume:
Mute kodi: "Hey Google, mute/unmute kodi"
This would not work..since there is no unmute command that kodi would recognize
Kodi only knows the command mute which toggles the mute or unmute.
Change to
Mute/unmute kodi: "Hey Google, kodi mute"
Action table
Say a simple phrase | Kodi mute | YOUR_NODE_SERVER/mute |
Say a simple phrase | Kodi mute [note: to unmute, issue same command] | YOUR_NODE_SERVER/mute |
Say a simple phrase | Kodi pause | YOUR_NODE_SERVER/playpause |
Say a simple phrase | Kodi pause [note: to unpause, issue same command | YOUR_NODE_SERVER/playpause |
Play the next unwatched episode: "Hey Google, kodi play tv show [tv show name]" --> will search for the given tv show and play the next unwatched episode.
Play the next unwatched episode: "Hey Google, kodi play an episode of [tv show name]" --> will search for the given tv show and play the next unwatched episode.
@keydon hey why did you add the command
-unmute to the action table?
I tested the unmute command and kodi does not recognize it in the log terminal.
Please remove the references to unmute command in the readme..
and just say some similar to how I wrote it.
Say a simple phrase | Kodi mute [note: to unmute, issue same command] | YOUR_NODE_SERVER/mute |
==== BEGIN === route: /broker
Broker processing phrase: 'unmute' (en)
request failed
route: /broker
query: { phrase: 'unmute' }
error: Error: Broker unknown phrase: 'unmute' (en)
Well the action table is not there to document the broker phrases.
It lists all endpoints with a suggested phrase, that is the original one IFTTT-applet per command approach.
The broker phrases match mostly the expample phrases of the action-table but they itself are not explicitly documented.
You can look them up in the code here, but they are not easy to read, since they are written in a powerful regex-notation. More understandable, but far from complete are the tests.
I also now added "unmute" to the broker.