Type androidx.compose.material3.pullrefresh.ArrowValues is defined multiple times
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when I try to build a release error the task :app:minifyReleaseWithR8
fails with the following error message: Type androidx.compose.material3.pullrefresh.ArrowValues is defined multiple times: {my_project_location}/androidx-compose-material3-pullrefresh/library/build/intermediates/runtime_library_classes_jar/release/classes.jar:androidx/compose/material3/pullrefresh/ArrowValues.class,{my_home_dir}/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/ad60cd5cf5c1564926bb7f06eb667f86/transformed/material3-release-runtime.jar:androidx/compose/material3/pullrefresh/ArrowValues.class
Could this mean that they have internally started implementing this functionality, but just haven't released it yet?
Using Kotlin 1.9.10,
Compose BOM 2023.10.0,
Compose Compiler 1.5.3,
material3-android:1.2.0-alpha09 (it seems like they have started implementing pullrefresh here)
Could this mean that they have internally started implementing this functionality, but just haven't released it yet?
Yes, it is. You can track it here. https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/+log/91bb8c1f81dcb031bda00fcd8e55f1e890b56f06..80156d02f56222d46dbad403c3adb812faaf62d6/compose/material3
The above link is the material3 1.2.0-alpha09 library that you use. It implements the pull refresh functionality there.
Like I was saying in the README:
This library only supports using composite build to import to your project because it will be archived when the official library is released.
This means if you use the non-stable version (1.2.0-alpha09) of the Material 3 library containing the official implementation, you should migrate it yourself.
Since the changelog doesn't mention this, I assume they are still working on it and may change their API. Therefore, I will not update the README to provide detailed migration steps until the next official stable version is released.
Oh sorry, must have overseen that. Thanks!