
Running the server

altoorodevelead opened this issue · 1 comments

Apologies in advance if this is a super straightforward issue, but I've looked through the documentation and at various resources and I'm not able to completely grasp how to run the actual server, or how to communicate with its API(if it even has one?)
I was able to build successfully and pass all stages, but past that point, I'm not completely clear on how to continue.

The use case we're looking for is to use this code-server with an implementation of the Monaco editor.
I would be happy to provide any additional information.

I'm in the same boat. Kinda disappointing the README directs you to a build script (which is failing for me, so I built using just dotnet) and I have no idea where to even begin to look for the server executable to direct my editor to. Since this is a language server I'd hope it's not that unusual for people like myself who are complete newbs with dotnet coming here. Having such an obvious lack of instructions is really frustrating.