
Ability to accept decompilation legal agreement globally for all current and future workspaces.

joelday opened this issue · 8 comments

Issue Description

As a developer, I would like to be presented with and accept the legal agreement displayed by the csharp.showDecompilationTerms command only once instead of when the language support is activated for the first time in each workspace.

Thank you!

Yeah, this would definitely be nice to have. I think there's some conversations going on about the same topic for Visual Studio too, since as you could imagine, lots of users there are fine accepting the terms but don't want to keep seeing it for every VS session.

@cartermp Quick note that this is now displayed every time I open vscode. Unsure if others are experiencing that.

@cartermp Quick note that this is now displayed every time I open vscode. Unsure if others are experiencing that.

I can confirm this, even when opening non-C# source code files. It's getting super annoying now.

Please vote this issue up:
Accepting the decompiler agreement permanently
Since it has more upvotes, maybe product owner will take notice.

This shows up constantly even for non C# workspaces now, at least in my case, so it has gone from annoyance to outright bug.

@cartermp Should I open a bug to address the dialog appearing for non-C# workspaces?

Should I open a bug to address the dialog appearing for non-C# workspaces?

What type of files are in the workspace? Unfortunately with VS Code it isn't as simple as saying this csproj or sln was opened, so this is a C# workspace. It becomes more a this folder was opened and contains files with these extensions meaning this may be a C# workspace.

It does the same for me, seems like any time VSCode changes workspaces. Including just opening a new window with Ctrl + Shift + N. Here is it popping up for a workspace with just three log files:
