This application enables to synchronize Spotify Playlists with your Nuvo music system so that you can select them locally.
You will thereby also create a "local" library of Spotify tracks, albums and playlists which can be browsed by the Nuvo and Mirage apps.

How to use:

A) Login in to from your default browser (Chrome or Edge) with your Spotify UserName. If asked to remember the credentials, allow the browser to do so.

B) Launch SpotifySync.exe in its folder and "Run as administrator"
	- The first time, you will be asked in a browser pop-up by Spotify to confirm using an app called MPS4-HS4-Spotify. Do so.
	- Select a Spotify Playlist to sync. (Your Spotify account must have at least one).
	- Choose to "Save and sync active playlists".
	- Watch synchronization unfold in the log window
	- Close the log window manually.

C) Open your Nuvo app and select music or playlists.
	- Prerequisites: 	The app is dependent on MCS running to finish properly and update the album art.

Two important files:
- SpotifySync.exe the file to "Run as administrator"
- Config.ini with settings as below:

The app has three modes of operation:
1) UpdateTable: Provides a GUI to select which Playlists to subscribe to
2) SyncAll: enables silent automation according to the subscriptions above. Useful for Windows scheduling (daily/weekly)
3) ModifyMCSdatabases: Refreshes database settings