RunLast canceled on startup
Closed this issue · 6 comments
I've recently migrated to a new QNAP NAS, and noticed that RunLast doesn't seem to work automatically anymore (I've been resorting to running it manually after boot up). Looking at the QTS UI during startup shows RunLast starting up, but then display a Canceled message, not sure where that is coming from. Wondering if there are other users seeing this.
[App Center] Canceled: Start RunLast (CLI)
| Main > System log > Sorting > Filter > Records |
| |
| record_id,date,time,user,app_id,application,category_id,category,msg_id,message |
| 13082,2020-12-24,17:16:03,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] end "start" scripts |
| 13081,2020-12-24,17:15:56,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] begin "start" scripts ... |
| 13080,2020-12-24,17:08:43,System,A039,App Center,C002,App Status Change,56,[App Center] Canceled: Start RunLast (CLI). |
| 13079,2020-12-24,17:08:02,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] begin "start" scripts ... |
| 13078,2020-12-24,17:07:55,System,A041,myQNAPcloud,C003,myQNAPcloud Link,31,[myQNAPcloud] myQNAPcloud Link service for |
| myQNAPcloud website is ready. |
| 13077,2020-12-24,17:07:54,System,A041,myQNAPcloud,C003,myQNAPcloud Link,28,[myQNAPcloud] myQNAPcloud Link service for |
| mobile and PC applications is ready. |
| 13076,2020-12-24,17:07:19,System,A200,Hybrid Backup Sync,C003,Service,43,[Hybrid Backup Sync] Started RTRR server. |
| 13075,2020-12-24,17:04:10,System,A201,Network & Virtual Switch,C012,Infrastructure,0115,[Network & Virtual Switch] Set |
| "Adapter 1" as the system default gateway. |
| 13073,2020-12-24,17:03:51,System,A201,Network & Virtual Switch,reserved,---,0153,[Network & Virtual Switch] Initialized |
| Network & Virtual Switch. |
| 13074,2020-12-24,17:03:41,System,A007,Power,C001,NAS Power Status,18,[Power] System started. |
| 13072,2020-12-24,17:02:49,System,1608825769,A002,Storage & Snapshots,C005,File system type: EXT4.,[Storage & Snapshots] |
| Detected external device "WD My Passport 25E2". File system label: ExternalBackup |
| 13071,2020-12-24,17:00:43,System,---,---,---,---,0,[SortMyQPKGs] 'autofix' completed |
| 13070,2020-12-24,17:00:43,System,---,---,---,---,0,[SortMyQPKGs] 'autofix' requested |
| 13069,2020-12-24,17:00:35,System,A007,Power,C001,NAS Power Status,17,[Power] System shut down on Thu Dec 24 17:00:35 CET |
| 2020. |
| 13068,2020-12-24,16:59:33,System,A201,Network & Virtual Switch,reserved,---,0155,[Network & Virtual Switch] Stopped |
| Network & Virtual Switch. |
| 13067,2020-12-24,16:58:54,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] end "stop" scripts |
| 13066,2020-12-24,16:58:54,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] begin "stop" scripts ... |
| 13065,2020-12-24,16:58:54,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] end package reorder |
| 13064,2020-12-24,16:58:53,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] SortMyQPKGs will reorder this package |
| 13063,2020-12-24,16:58:53,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] begin package reorder ... |
| 13062,2020-12-24,16:57:16,System,---,---,---,---,0,[RunLast] end "start" scripts |
| |
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| N: Next page |
| R: Return |
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Hey @pedropombeiro , yes the cancelled message is because RunLast now includes a cancel command for the App Center notifier. I did this as the notifier appears to be unable to correctly determine QPKG states. :(
RunLast will keep running, despite the cancelled message. 😉
OK, there must be something going else then because it doesn't look like the scripts are running. But it might not be related to RunLast itself, since
seems to no longer be running either (even though the script shows up in the QTS Settings page and is turned on. I'll close this issue if that notification is expected, and delve around further. Thanks for the input!
Hmmm, although - I've just now realised I should have been using -C
or --clean
option instead of -c
or --cancel
with qpkg_cli
. Oops.
I'll fix this now...
@pedropombeiro can you please try the new version and let me know how it goes?
@OneCDOnly I replicated the same change on my local installation and I no longer get the Canceled
message. Thanks for the quick fix! Now I'll give a try to see if the autorun runs successfully at startup. If not, I'll just wait for the next QTS update in case it gets fixed.
OK, seems like using and the new runlast
fixed both my issues. Thanks again!