Decoder crashes on medium data (~50MB)
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Here is example of project:
It crashes when I run it (npm run test). Error on last test:
I tested asm and wasm decoders, both are broken.
Also on Mozilla Firefox I got correct work with "data" file and ZstdStream decodec but missing chunks with ZstdSimple decodec
npm run test writes stderr into errLog.txt
Thank you very much for sending the error report, @inklesspen1rus. This week, I will take a look at it.
Thank you very much for sending the error report, @inklesspen1rus. This week, I will take a look at it.
Is it still "this" week? =)
I guess you just does not pass ALLOW_MEMORY_GROW option to emcc
I'm seeing this exact same issue with ArchLinux packages. For example from the ArchLinux Chromium package.
Here is some example code I used:
import { ZstdInit } from "@oneidentity/zstd-js";
import transformStream from "easy-transform-stream";
import { isArrayBuffer, isArrayBufferView, isDataView, isTypedArray } from "node:util/types";
const { ZstdStream } = await ZstdInit()
function toBuffer(chunk: unknown) {
if (typeof chunk === 'string') return Buffer.from(chunk)
if (isArrayBuffer(chunk)) return Buffer.from(chunk)
if (isArrayBufferView(chunk) || isDataView(chunk) || isTypedArray(chunk)) return Buffer.from(chunk.buffer)
throw new TypeError('Chunk must be a string, buffer, typed array, array buffer, or view of those')
export function createCompress () {
return transformStream(async chunk => ZstdStream.compress(toBuffer(chunk)))
export function createDecompress () {
return transformStream(async chunk => ZstdStream.decompress(toBuffer(chunk)))
import { createReadStream } from "node:fs"
import { createDecompress } from "./zstd.js"
import { extract } from "tar-stream"
import { posix } from "node:path/posix"
import type { Readable } from "node:stream"
import { createInterface } from "node:readline"
async function readPackageInfo(stream: Readable) {
const reader = createInterface(stream)
for await (const line of reader) {
export async function getPackageInfo(filename: string) {
const file = createReadStream(filename)
const decompress = createDecompress()
const stream = extract()
for await (const entry of stream) {
if (posix.basename( === '.PKGINFO') {
return readPackageInfo(entry)
} else {
return null
import process from 'node:process'
import { getPackageInfo } from './package.js'
async function main() {
await getPackageInfo('path/to/chromium-121.0.6167.184-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst')
return 0
process.exitCode = await main()