
Password Generate Button has UI Overlap

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The password generate button ๐Ÿ—˜ overlays the outline of the password text box.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open the Android App
  2. Click to view an entry
  3. The password generate button ๐Ÿ—˜ overlays the border lines of the password text box.

Expected Result

The password generate button ๐Ÿ—˜ should fit within the borders of the password text box.

Actual Result

The password generate icon ๐Ÿ—˜ overlaps with the password entry text box and the overall frame.

Screenshots or Videos


Additional Context

I think the password generate button ๐Ÿ—˜ may not be using a transparent background, or its ordering/layering is placed too far forward and is causing the overlap (not quite sure).

Operating System


Operating System Version



Asus Zenfone 8 Flip

Build Version


Thanks gregordinary. I will take a look and fix this

Fixed in release 0.8.0.