
[FEATURE] VFO priority, so one will be muted if there's signal in another frequency

sergeibit opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to listen to multiple frequencies by scanning/hopping between them by using the dual VFO.

One of them there's a continuous stream (Airport ATIS), while others have signal only on demand (e.g, by someone pressing PTT).

I would like to suggest some kind of "channel priority" or "VFO priority", so "lower priority" channels are muted automatically if there's signal in a "higher priority" channel.

Scenario example:
VFO 1 is scanning/hopping a list of frequencies.
VFO 2 is demodulating the ATIS channel.
Then, VFO 1 detects an upcoming signal in the Tower channel
The radio then switch to VFO 1 (i.e, ATIS channel will play)
When the VFO 1 signal is gone, it comes back to VFO 2 at the fixed frequency.

Please, understand: the problem is not dual VFO scanning.

The problem I'm trying to solve is stop demodulating a continuous signal in one VFO if a signal is detected in another frequency, and demodulate that frequency instead, even if there's still signal in the another frequency.

It could be useful in a scenario like the one I have, but also for emergency or other important frequency monitoring.

If there's not a way to do it currently, do you think it's something possible to be implemented by software? I mean, the hardware allow something like that?

Thank you very much.