
Project Treble

Opened this issue ยท 12 comments

We (the community) would like to ask Oneplus to support Project Treble in OOS. Petition link:

Okay seriously this is just idiotic

Oneplus never promised you treble so why are you using to force them?

I'll share this anti-petition here as well I guess

Stop this nonsense. You're just creating unrest in the community

To ask is not to force

No you're just hiding "forcing" behind "asking"

This is forcing and definitely not asking

@anupritaisno1 a petition is NOT to force anything. It is a written request signed by many people for a particular cause.

And apparently this is quite the cause to support eh?

This petition in question is to convince OnePlus to support Project Treble, which (in theory) is supposed to make upgrading Android less time-consuming.

There's more info about it here. I prefer not to explain it or this comment becomes unnecessarily long.

No this is really not necessary

Again you're just fighting because you want to fight

I didn't even sign the petition. In fact, I'm not going to fight for it at all because OnePlus is already good at sending out major Android updates quickly.

Project Treble is still new, so we haven't seen the benefits entirely yet. The only instance of that actually working can only be found here.

You'll have to define who the troll is.


He hates me for no reason whatsoever

True story :D

They're not going to, the 6 will because it has to but the 3 and 5 won't. Pointless issue. I want treble but it won't happen.