
can not compile!

handelxh opened this issue · 25 comments

after repo sync , can not compile with make -j4

@handelxh , please show me the error

Should I use msm_defconfig for compiling kernel or msm-perf_defconfig? I tried both but end up with wifi is not working. I also copied modules from lib and flashed.. but there is still problem with wifi.

Any idea's / suggestions ..Thanks


I think msm-perf_defconfig is good.
Check this code in

KERNEL_DEFCONFIG := msm-perf_defconfig
KERNEL_DEFCONFIG := msm_defconfig

May be you missed wifi module which have to pulled from the device. You can check the script I uploaded in "android" repository named for more details about wifi driver

@leonfish77101 Hi :) !
Error with a fresh sync from this github:
Any idea ?
Thanks !

@handelxh ime needs to pull from device. Did you execute the pull script?

@theobch I haven’t seen this error before. In fact, tcmiface is built from vendor/qcom/opensource/dpm, and this is from Qualcomm

@leonfish77101 So what should I do ? I execute the script (under OxygenOS 3.0.2) to pull blobs, so what can I do more ?

@theobch can you build this module from vendor/qcom/opensource/dpm ? Or make sure all codes are synced correctly.

@leonfish77101 after I pull frome device and copy this dir to root of project . Still have error like this:
Uploading image.png…

make: *** No rule to make target out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/tcmiface_intermediates/classes.jar', needed byout/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/okhttp_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

@handelxh As I said before, tcmiface doesn't need to pull from device, this module is built from vendor/qcom/opensource/dpm

make: *** No rule to make target vendor/oneplus/bin/ATFWD-daemon', needed byout/target/product/msm8996/system/bin/ATFWD-daemon'. Stop.

it seems that the pull script execution went wrong or I did not pull all that needed to bulled from device?
is that the problem with the su permission?

@andytian1991 Before build, you should root your device first, because the pull script needs root permission to pull every blob we need

I have already rooted the device. and supersu installed

when executing the .sh,some log like below appears
remote object '/system/bin/ATFWD-daemon' does not exist
remote object '/system/bin/athdiag' does not exist

@andytian1991 what strings will be printed when execute this command
adb shell ls -l /system/bin/ATFWD-daemon

It seems that I have figured it out by:
1.change the seLinux stauts : $adb shell su to setenforce permissive
2.install the adbd insecure v2.0.apk and enable insecure adbd
and then I execute the .sh ,there is no does not exist appears any more.

Now the outcome vendor folder contains 1,565 items, totalling 414.1 MB.

The strings printed by your last 'ls -l 'command is :
$-rwxr-xr-x root shell 43424 2016-06-30 19:12 ATFWD-daemon

Besides when I try to change the seLinux status,firstly I installed the seLinuxModeChange.apk but the device informed me that my device is not rooted or i did not grand the apk the root permission.
I did not know what is wrong, is my root operation is just kinda a fake root?

@andytian1991 Sorry, I cannot give you any useful advices about how to root your device...

@leonfish77101 @andytian1991 i think it's not necessary to root device. i just adb pull this lib from device ,and cp /vendor/onelus/* to root/venndor/oneluse/ . compile android success.

@handelxh have you flash the images? Is there something wrong?

@andytian1991 not yet

@leonfish77101 will you guys release oneplus one manifests?

Hi ,
Iam getting this error in compiling Android7. please help me out from this.

ninja: Entering directory `.'
ninja: error: 'out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/tcmiface_intermediates/classes.jar.toc', needed by 'out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/okhttp_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar', missing and no known rule to make it
make: *** [ninja_wrapper] Error 1

Thank you