
[question]: Integrating SDK ships HMS although it's not needed and not set up

luckyhandler opened this issue · 4 comments

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When scanning my app on exodus I saw that HMS is shipped with it.
After looking further into it and into the merged Android manifest I saw that this comes from the OneSignal SDK.


    <action android:name="com.huawei.push.action.MESSAGING_EVENT" />

How can I prevent this to be shipped with my app if I don't support Huawei anyway?

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OneSignal doesn't include Huawei or HMS as a dependency
There is a detailed discussion of this in this issue for your reference

OneSignal does have references to HMS push and location, however they are compileOnly in this library. This means no code created by Huawei gets built into your app by default, you have to add directly to your build.gradle as outlined by the setup instructions.

How can it be then included in my merged manifest? @emawby

The AndroidManifest.xml exists in case your app needs to add Huawei push support. It doesn't do anything on it's own, since nothing will generate the com.huawei.push.action.MESSAGING_EVENT event it's own. It can be safely removed if you want, if your app doesn't support HMS push.

Also the contains only OneSignal code, none of it is from Huawei, it simply process push events from them.

@jkasten2 How can I remove it from my manifest? The problem is that this is obviously the reason why my app is labeled as having this tracker although I don't use it. So I definitely want to get rid of it.

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