App is in closed State tapping on notification not getting any data with 4.1.0 Android 4.0.0 works fine
Dipannita20 opened this issue · 8 comments
App is in closed state on Android tapping on notification NotificationOpened not getting fired, failed to captured additional data passed on to notification for deep linking.
OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += _notificationOpened;
- Xamarin forms
- Migrated OneSignal 3.10.6 to 4.1.0
- Started seeing this error
Steps to Reproduce Issue:
- Add 4.1.0 to all the projects
- Build app and swipe away, app is in closed state
- Send push notification from OneSignal Portal, with additional data
- Observe addition data is missing
- Observe log in Android logcat -> OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += _notificationOpened; not getting called in closed state
- Observe OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += _notificationOpened; getting called in app is in background/foreground
Anything else:
(crash stacktraces, as well as any other information here)
Attached Android logcat during the test flow
@tanaynigam @jkasten2 any update on this, do you need any more information on this?
I have the same problem, when the app is in closed state, "OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += _notificationOpened;" stops working, but if the app is in the foreground or background it works correctly.
Is there any way to fix this?
@tanaynigam @jkasten2 any news on this? Do you have any idea what could be causing this to happen?
I am also having this issue. I would like to deep link from the closed state on android, but this problem is blocking me. Works on iOS
Same issue here (OneSignalSDK.Xamarin 4.1.3 & Android Target 13.0). Any news on this?
Same issue here but with OneSignalSDK.Xamarin 4.3.0 and iOS. On Android everything works great.
Finally found a solution for this problem (Android 13).
I had to put the NotificationOpened handler before the OneSignal initialization. The handler probably worked when the app was in background because then the handler was set (as opposed to a cold start).
OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += HandleNotificationOpened;
I was able to reproduce the issue that you have been experiencing @Dipannita20. I have tested @fatderda's solution and it works.
If your NotificationOpened handler is not firing on cold start put the NotificationOpened handler before the OneSignal initialization.
OneSignal.Default.NotificationOpened += HandleNotificationOpened;