Animate scroll gestures in NestedScrollView (new Android 12 stretch and bounce back)
Lemkinator opened this issue · 3 comments
I am not familiar with scrollviews or overscroller, but is there a way to implement those new scroll gestures from Android 12 in the NestedScrollView?
Yo you guys are f*#^king amazing... :D
Thanks alot!
Im so glad i found this lib...
Yo you guys are f*#^king amazing... :D Thanks alot! Im so glad i found this lib...
It's a pleasure! The new version will be more important since we're implementing more OneUI 4 elements, plus I'm updating most of the old stuff in the library. You can check it out yourself, tho we don't suggest to use the dev branch to do more than just testing out the new stuff. The list of new stuff is long and still expanding! (OneUI 4 Dialog style, updated ColorPickerDialogs, updated AppBar, RecyclerView etc.)