IE11 Support
TomasNiDo opened this issue · 7 comments
TomasNiDo commented
It doesn't seem to work in IE11 or is there any workaround for this?
kenberkeley commented
any console error?
TomasNiDo commented
@kenberkeley It's a syntax error. I scan the output code in the console and it points to
pageSizeOptions: { type: Array, default: () => [10, 20, 40, 80, 100] },
I don't know why it's not compiling to a code readable by the browser.
kenberkeley commented
kenberkeley commented
also, check your babel-env config
TomasNiDo commented
I'm using Laravel Mix, any idea on how to do that?
kenberkeley commented
checkout the relevant doc
TomasNiDo commented
Yeah, I should. Thanks man!