
tdComp is blank when data is passed at the time of mount

avinash403 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using a components actions to display buttons in a column of the datatable. When I am passing data through an ajax call(which makes it wait for sometime before updating) everything works fine, but
as soon as I am passing it directly into the data it shows blank.

Shows blank when passed like this:
screen shot 2018-08-27 at 4 47 34 pm

but works fine when i put a setTimeout of say 1 sec before sending/updating the data

how about tdComp: require('path/to/DatatableActions')

Didn't workout. Actually I have tried importing it both locally and globally after seeing this issue #9

but nothing helped till now

would you mind providing an online demo (jsbin etc)? i cant reproduce myself

goraj commented

This might work:
tdComp: require('path/to/DatatableActions').default
or eg.
export default { Foo: require('./td-Foo').defaults }