
pyclustercheck-twisted still does not work properly under python3

UnixRonin opened this issue · 1 comments

narn:root:~:4 # curl localhost:9200

  <head><title>500 - Request did not return bytes</title></head>
    <h1>Request did not return bytes</h1>
    <p>Request: <pre>&lt;Request at 0x7ffb7137f668 method=GET uri=/ clientproto=HTTP/1.1&gt;</pre><br />Resource: <pre>&lt;__main__.ServerStatus object at 0x7ffb7137f208&gt;</pre><br />Value: <pre>&#x27;Percona XtraDB Cluster Node is synced.&#x27;</pre></p>

Is there a simple and straightforward way this can be fixed without waiting for the interminable process of porting twisted to python3 to complete?

(I ask this as a non-Python programmer who has not yet managed to learn Python.)

Update to this:
Gentoo just pushed dev-python/twisted-19.10.0. The BAD news is that with this release of python-twisted, pyclustercheck-twisted does not work at all either on python2 or python3.

The GOOD news is that it now returns exactly the same error on both:

narn:root:~:13 # curl localhost:9200
<html><head><title>Processing Failed</title></head><body><b>Processing Failed</b></body></html>

I'm going to go out on a limb here and take a guess that this may mean that whatever remains to be addressed is now an issue in pyclustercheck-twisted, not in python-twisted itself, and that once it is fixed, pyclustercheck-twisted will work under python3. But I say this with the disclaimer, as always, that I am not (yet) a Python programmer.