
"~Run Pico-8 with Splore" Does not work outside Expert Tab

theUnBurn opened this issue · 2 comments


  • I am reporting a bug in the Onion OS - Any issues with the closed source frontend (MainUI), or RetroArch or any of the cores should be directed to their respective repositories
  • I have reviewed the Onion Docs and did not find the answer
  • I have searched the existing (open and closed) issues to ensure I do not log a duplicate

Onions OS Version


Miyoo Firmware Version


Provide a clear and concise description of the issue

Pico-8 Splore Runs with the right core only when selected in the Experts tab. When attempting to access the game on the Recents or Favorites tab, it tries running the Splore png with faker-8, which it fails to do.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open ~Pico-8 with Splore in Experts --> Pico-8
  2. Exit the game
  3. Select it from the Recents tab


  • Should open in Pico-8 core


  • Opens with Faker-8 and fails to run Splore

Provide any additional context or information that may help us investigate your issue

When viewing the core in Expert, it lists out Retro-8, but does not list it as an option when running the .png outside Expert. I wonder if we can set that to be the default core, or at least allow it to be used as a core outside the Expert tab.

I do note the docs say here that it can be run on Experts, but doesn't specify only Experts. If that is the case, I wonder if it's worth not allowing it to be Favorited or show up in Recents.

Seems to work for me? 🤔 or am I understanding your issue wrong


Hmm, I think I favorited the fake-08 version I had instead of Splore? I removed the favorite item and no longer have the issue. When I do run it from Favorites, however, I do see a Pico-8 entry in Recents that crashes, but that is unrelated to this issue and want to make sure it's repeatable before opening up another.

I think this is user error on my end, but thanks for looking into this!