
ScummVM Importer loses ampersand characters

Opened this issue · 1 comments


  • I am reporting a bug in the Onion OS - Any issues with the closed source frontend (MainUI), or RetroArch or any of the cores should be directed to their respective repositories
  • I have reviewed the Onion Docs and did not find the answer
  • I have searched the existing (open and closed) issues to ensure I do not log a duplicate

Onions OS Version


Miyoo Firmware Version


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When importing ScummVM games using the "Use database name option," the ampersand character (&) gets removed from game titles.

For example, a folder named Sam and Max Hit the Road (CD DOS) then becomes Sam Max Hit the Road (CD, English) in the menu. Everything looks right at first glance, but note the extra space where the "&" should be.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Put Sam & Max inside a folder alongside all your other ScummVM games. Call the folder whatever you want.
  • Tell Onion to "~Import games"
  • Tell Onion to "Use database names"

Provide any additional context or information that may help us investigate your issue

Either the source database that the importer is using is missing the & character on this particular title, or the importer just doesn't know how to handle the & character.

This may also affect other games with special characters in their titles, but I don't know of any to test.

I should mention - this happens in both standalone ScummVM and the Retroarch core.