
New roms doesn't show in NDS folders even after refresh list

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  • I am reporting a bug in the Onion OS - Any issues with the closed source frontend (MainUI), or RetroArch or any of the cores should be directed to their respective repositories
  • I have reviewed the Onion Docs and did not find the answer
  • I have searched the existing (open and closed) issues to ensure I do not log a duplicate

Onions OS Version


Miyoo Firmware Version


Provide a clear and concise description of the issue

After updated to version 4.3, After add new roms to NDS folder, the new game doesn't show even after refresh list.

Steps to Reproduce

Add Drastic in previous version, and update to version 4.3

Provide any additional context or information that may help us investigate your issue

My game that added before update it's still playable and fine.