Online S3 Project
ONLINE-S3 will develop an RIS3 e-policy platform, augmented with a toolbox of applications and online services.
Pinned Repositories
Οverview of ERDF regulations and EU processes of selecting and funding projects.
A comprehensive and up-to-date mapping of the existing and planned research infrastructures across the EU regions.
Production of ‘scientific profiles’ for regions based on Web of Science (WoS) data, Scopus and Google Scholar data.
Analysis of regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is a key starting point for applying more elaborate RIS3 methods.
Tailored online guidelines on the necessary additional steps to arrive at a shared vision for regional smart specialisation strategy
The app supports the calculation of the Related/Unrelated variety entropy indexes. It will compare 2-digit and 5-digit sector shares (%) and will estimate the entropy index for regions
Online data tool in the form of a data repository that allows for a finely grained tracking of projects and initiatives implemented in each region with a link to respective S3 priorities.
Balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and non-profit organisations worldwide.
Enables collecting micro data directly from the beneficiaries and ‘end-users’ of public policies implemented through S3.
The OnlineS3 Platform
Online S3 Project's Repositories
Production of ‘scientific profiles’ for regions based on Web of Science (WoS) data, Scopus and Google Scholar data.
Analysis of regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is a key starting point for applying more elaborate RIS3 methods.
The app supports the calculation of the Related/Unrelated variety entropy indexes. It will compare 2-digit and 5-digit sector shares (%) and will estimate the entropy index for regions
Balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and non-profit organisations worldwide.
The OnlineS3 Platform
Web-based tool that allows RIS3 managers to create visually attractive infographics.
Οverview of ERDF regulations and EU processes of selecting and funding projects.
Draw together information on key regional assets. The objective is to support data transparency that enables gap analysis of regional assets.
A comprehensive and up-to-date mapping of the existing and planned research infrastructures across the EU regions.
Tailored online guidelines on the necessary additional steps to arrive at a shared vision for regional smart specialisation strategy
Enables RIS3 stakeholders to assess calls for projects under SF operational programmes that are made by regional authorities.
Online data tool in the form of a data repository that allows for a finely grained tracking of projects and initiatives implemented in each region with a link to respective S3 priorities.
Enables collecting micro data directly from the beneficiaries and ‘end-users’ of public policies implemented through S3.
Defining the framework, concepts and categories for mapping the innovation ecosystem of each region.
Compare the performance of a region with regions that are structurally similar.
A scenario is a “story” illustrating visions of possible future or aspects of possible future. Scenarios are not predictions about the future but rather similar to simulations of some possible futures.
The app will provide a roadmap for the implementation of EDP. It includes industry activities and groups, stakeholders and business leaders involved in the EDP process, the communication of conclusions about the opportunities emerged by the regional and national authorities.
Identifies if different policy measures are coherent with the vision and objectives of the region.
Co-design is a well-established approach in the process of creation, particularly within the public sector.
Provides a framework for using different budgeting methods (incremental, zero budgeting) to capture the funding dimension of the RIS3 action plan and the needs for funding across the defined implementation period.
Online visualisation tool that teases out information about regional technological trends using grant data that is collected from S3 programmes and initiatives.
The app offers simple indicators on the overall RIS3 process by using data coming from social media, such as Twitter or Google trends.