
style issues while implementing

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • _atramhasis-settings.scss line 1427: $topbar-height: rem-calc(60); instead of 60px (gives problem with compass compile)
  • search results when label too long
    label te lang
  • in above screenshot the header is black instead of white. This is a foundation class. It seems Tom made the layouts with foundation 5.4.7, while all our apps use version 5.5.0 (to be compatible with compass and sass)
  • capitalization??
  • concept relations => what about narrower/broader/..? not in new style..
  • concept labels => what about preferred/alternative/..? not in new style..
  • there is no tree on concept detail page of the new style?
  • what to do with multiple download links?
  • Kies een schema/Kies een type => select in topbar of a page possible?
    link, link, link," => what to do with this?
  • fancy tree on frontpage

About the relations. Currently the follow kinds of relations exist:

  • narrower: Concept A has narrower Concept B
  • broader: Concept B has broader Concept A
  • related: Concept A has related Concept D
  • subordinate array: Concept B has subordinate array Collection C
  • superordinate: Collection C has superordinate Concept B
  • member: Collection C has member Concept M OR Collection C has member Collection CM
  • member of: Concept M is member of Collection C OR Collection CM is member of Concept C

While these are all correct according to the SKOS and ISO-SKOS specs, they can be a bit overwhelming for newbies. So, in the public interface I'd like to see them being listed as:

  • narrower, member, subordinate array: narrower
  • broader, member of, superordinate: broader
  • related: related

Apart from these relations there's also something called matches. They are very similar, but are always to Concepts or Collections in other ConceptSchemes. Quite often there will be no matches at all.

I would suggest listing those at the bottom, styled like the relations, but include the type of match in every rectangle.