
[Feature Request] Sub-folder Animation Support

ESurge opened this issue · 2 comments

First off, awesome project. Tried it out, and it works great!

I know that animations can be loaded within sub-folders and I was wondering if you could bring that into the app.

For example, having the below text in the manifest will work as long as the folders are correct.

Name: Sasquach/Sasquach_D1g1talRa1n_128x64
Min butthurt: 1
Max butthurt: 14
Min level: 1
Max level: 30
Weight: 1

The FlipperZero looks for the Sasquach folder, and then looks for the Sasquach_D1g1talRa1n_128x64 folder to load the animation.


Hi, I didn't knew it was possible to do that on the Flipper!

Thank you for the detailed explanation of the inner working of subfolders loading, I will definitely add it to the tool.

Added in 0ed3b1f and will be pulled in the next release. I'm closing the issue, thank you!