
Comments plugin conflicts with Bob, doesn't show comments button

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Installing the comments plugin (the basic one that comes with TiddlyWiki) doesn't work. It works fine on a regular TiddlyWiki installation, so the issue is with Bob.

Both Bob and the comments plugin provide additions to the tiddler view template through $:/tags/ViewTemplate. Most likely, these components conflict in some manner. On Bob's end, the relevant shadow tiddler is $:/plugins/OokTech/Bob/template/ConflictTemplate, while the comments plugin uses $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/comments/header-view-template-segment and $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/comments/footer-view-segment.

I don't fully understand how these files interact, so that's the best I can do right now.

I am running (check any that apply, put an x inside the [ ] to check a box, like this: [x]):

  • Windows
  • OSX
  • Linux
  • Other

and using

  • The nodejs version
  • The single file executable

Before posting I read issue guidelines and:

  • I am using the newest version
  • The answer to my question isn't listed in the documentation or this isn't
    a question
  • This is not a duplicate issue
  • I have not done anything that required me to set acceptance to
    I Will Not Get Tech Support For This

It is working for me - using version 1.6.2r1 - OSX Big Sur

I've got the same on a Windows installation.
At least we can rule out that the OS isn't the issue.

Latest BobExe version.
Brand new wiki.
Tested enabling the Comments plugin through Bob and through the Plugin Browser.

Same thing.

The divider appears in Tiddlers, but nothing beneath it.