
Split paragraph before conclusion list in “Evolution of Teams in FLOSS”

Gallaecio opened this issue · 0 comments

In “Prepare for the Future: Evolution of Teams in FLOSS”, I believe the paragraph before the list of conclusions should be split in two.

Specifically, I believe the last sentence should be in a paragraph of its own, as it does not relate to the rest of the paragraph.

In fact, I think it makes sense to also put a “Conclusions” header before that sentence, as it introduces a list of conclusions that are based on the whole chapter so far, with all its subsections (each of which is currently preceded by a header).

So, I’m suggesting switching:

[…] over by other developers staying in the community. Only in those
cases in which the package was not useful anymore it was simply
abandoned. I think we can learn some useful conclusions from these
research works:

1. Spend some time to develop the main guidelines of your project. […]


[…] over by other developers staying in the community. Only in those
cases in which the package was not useful anymore it was simply


I think we can learn some useful conclusions from these
research works:

1. Spend some time to develop the main guidelines of your project. […]