
Tracking and visualizing traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities in Tallahassee, FL

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Status:

  • Currently cleaning data and visualizing a sample dataset

What questions can we answer with this data?:

  • Where are the most dangerous intersections?
  • What is the most dangerous time to travel on Thomasville Rd?
  • Does daylight savings impact crash frequency?


data sources

Data Source Description
Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) The official repository for crash reports and maintains the crash reports for 10 years. To access it, send an email to CrashPRR@FLHSMV.gov specifying the non-redacted data for the desired year(s) and/or quarter. Raw crash data is in an Excel format. The data is on a disc; with one year per disc and quarterly discs for the current year, 2021. Each disc is $6.00

existing maps

other Florida initiatives