
Redirect URL?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

#' file that will contain information about the 'client_id' and 'secret'. The redirect URL requested from the provider is 'http://localhost:1410/'.

Is this correct? I thought it should be http://localhost:1410/callback

Edit: It seems it is, at least httr only mentions port 1410 and no path. But I'm pretty sure previously we had used callback as a path in some client IDs...

We should probably also document that the "Authorization Code Grant" (correct?) is used...

flahn commented

I had implemented the callback handling manually a while back, before switching to the httr solution. There I started a plumber webserver and was waiting for the respective callback from the OIDC provider, so that I didn't have to copy the access token manually.

But as recently httr is using localhost:1410 as default endpoint for the callback. So the documentation is correct in this regard. I will change the documentation as you suggested and try to link to the httr documentation for further information.

flahn commented

I did some more code digging and found it finally in httr::oauth_callback. The URL is http://localhost:1410/