The openapi swagger codegen generates JsonNullable type fields if the type attribute in swagger is not mentioned. How to overcome this without modifying the swagger. I want JsonNullable for other fields except few.
gayatrivgk opened this issue · 0 comments
gayatrivgk commented
The openapi swagger codegen generates JsonNullable type fields if the type attribute in swagger is not mentioned. How to overcome this without modifying the swagger. I want JsonNullable for other fields except few.
Sample Swagger:
openapi: 3.0.3
- name
- value
type: object
title: Name
type: string
title: Value
In the above sample swagger, the value field is generated as JsonNullable. But i want it to be created as Object type. How to handle this without changing the swagger. Also i dont want to disable JsonNullable for entire swagger. is there a way to achieve this?