
Not clear how to disable filtering

Danfun64 opened this issue · 8 comments

I am running the latest version of the OA3 engine...and I noticed that the game looks a lot worse than it usually does. I tried setting r_tvfilter to 0 to see if that would help at all.

...what settings should I set so it looks clear again?

r_ntsc 0
r_leifx 0
r_postprocess none
r_retroAA 0
r_virtualMode -1

Do not use the issue tracker for questions.

The problem is far more severe then I thought, it even affects the game when I load commits from a year ago when they were working fine when I compiled in Xenial.

This is what it looks like:

I think the problem might be related to how Yakkety Yak compiles openarena, as running the old official 088 exe works perfectly and I recently updated to Yakkety Yak.

Here is compiling log:

I compiled the latest upstream ioquake3, and it doesn't have this problem.

edit: Whatever my problem is, it's exclusive to the openarena renderer. Running the old opengl1 renderer works just like its supposed to.

One vital thing I forgot to mention. The game looks like that even with all the cvars set the way you mention.

Hmm. maybe my software rendering workarounds (for performance) is being confused by whatever your opengl vendor output strings are. What does DRIVER INFO say?

the word "generic" would do it. Committed a fix.

That fixed it. Thank you!