
Update trait/specification(s) to indicate required properties for `preflight`

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Document any required trait properties for preflight


OpenAssetIO recently changed the signature to Preflight, as a result some specifications may mandate that trait properties are required for preflight.

It might be best to assume everything is required and only indicate optional properties.

We have to go through all the properties in traits.yml and decide, "Is this property required."

Theres an argument that if we're adding a "required" field into the yaml, we should also traitgen that to be nice, but we don't have to, there's already a precedent with usage.

I think this issue has been misunderstood. The current GUIDELINES are pretty clear that trait properties are required by default.

I think this was specifically to call out which trait properties are required for preflight - not which traits are required for resolve(!)

I've updated the description to hopefully avoid misinterpretation again.