
Validation of BEL 2.0 expression (fusion) fails

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Examples taken from BEL 2.0 specification

Valid term
r(fus(HGNC:TMPRSS2, r.1_79, HGNC:ERG, r.312_5034))
delivers following validation object:

    "validation": {
        "expression": "r(fus(HGNC:TMPRSS2, r.1_79, HGNC:ERG, r.312_5034))",
        "message": "Invalid syntax.",
        "term_signatures": [
        "valid_semantics": false,
        "valid_syntax": false,
        "warnings": [

Tested with BEL 2.0 endpoint and API method "/api/expressions/{term}/validation".

Fixed this in the documentation when I fixed the variant BEL2 documentation.

This validates: r(fus(HGNC:TMPRSS2, "r.1_79", HGNC:ERG, "r.312_5034"))

I can confirm that this validates!