
Functional Tests create metrics which can give a distorted view of system usage

jsanhc opened this issue · 1 comments


  • We discover that when any test process runs against a cluster the metrics are populated.
  • For some cases we don't want populated these metrics values to avoid mix test values with the metric values created by the real requests.


  1. Check how many TPPs have been created in the system in for example
  2. Run the functional tests against master gradle clean build
  3. See how many TPPs have been created now in the system


No more TPPs have been created in the system


Many TPPs have been created in the system

Current Behaviour

To enable or disable the population of metrics values created by metrics service and consumed by analytics service there is a header named x-obri-analytics-enabled to set true/false.

The gateway service check that header in the filter AddInteractionIdHeaderGatewayFilter with the below behaviour:

  • If the header doesn't exist the filter set the the header and is value to true and propagate the header through all services.
  • If the header exist then the filter propagate the value through all service with the value that comes from the request.
       //Filter for analytics
        String isAnalyticsEnabled = request.getHeaders().getFirst(ANALYTICS_ENABLED_HEADER_NAME);
        if (isAnalyticsEnabled == null) {
            isAnalyticsEnabled = "true";
        ExtraFieldPropagation.set(tracer.currentSpan().context(), ANALYTICS_ENABLED_HEADER_NAME, isAnalyticsEnabled);


Add the header x-obri-analytics-enabled through all tests projects to set true or false depending of the flavour of tests.


  • Identify the tests projects that need to be fix
  • Add header x-obri-analytics-enabled to these tests projects that must be fix.

Above PR addresses the metrics updates happening from the ob-functional-tests project.