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Setup Elasticsearch with data

The budgetkey-data-pipelines project handles the loading of data to elasticsearch

see load the datapackages to elasticsearch for a method to get a local elasticsearch instance with the data.


Build the search api image

docker build -t open-budget-search-api .

Run the image, modify ES_HOST and ES_PORT to connect to the relevant Elasticsearch instance.

The following command connects to the budgetkey-data-pipelines default docker compose elasticsearch.

docker run -d --name open-budget-search-api --rm -p18000:8000 \
           --network budgetkeydatapipelines_default \
           -eES_HOST=elasticsearch -eES_PORT=9200 \

Search api should be available at localhost:18000


Start the search api, modify ES_HOST and ES_PORT to connect to the relevant Elasticsearch instance.

The following command connects to the budgetkey-data-pipelines default docker compose elasticsearch.

ES_HOST=localhost ES_PORT=19200 python3 -c 'from open_budget_search_api.main import app;'

This is the search URL format:


for example - http://localhost:5000/search/exemption/test/2000-01-01/2019-01-01/4/0

There is a log for exceptions called obudget.log which is written right next to the