
class not found

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Hi, i'm try to use your spiderling. After i run it, i get this error message :
Fatal error: Class 'src\Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\spiderling-master\test.php on line 4
can you help me with this? i'm so confused why ' use src\Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page; ' is not working

thank you

Without more information, this is not easy to answer. It may be that the namespace use src\Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page is a problem - src is not part of the namespace. You probably wanted use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page instead.

Remember that when you are presenting code/error problems, your readers need to see detail. I would recommend that if you have a problem in the future, try to show the relevant part of the code, either in a formatted block, or in a Gist or pasteboard.

As @halfer mentioned using PHP namespaces do not depend on the filesystem. You use the namespaces and depend on the autoloader to find them.

use Openbuildings\Spiderling\Page;

should work.