Some OpenCL implementations doesn't generate the same result

romanstingler opened this issue · 1 comments

There are some implementations which generate a slightly different result

python noise-simplex.xml 
raster md5s differ: 4ddc13d5eeb20d66928c4e4dc91504e0 vs 020d502dde8c3112bdb714c2c480864d
/home/blackout/git/GEGL-OpenCL/tests/compositions/reference/noise-simplex.png and /home/blackout/git/GEGL-OpenCL/tests/compositions/output/noise-simplex.png are identical
PASS noise-simplex.xml
SKIP noise-simplex.xml (OpenCL)
=== Test Results ===
 tests passed:  1
 tests skipped: 1
 tests failed:  0
======  PASS  ======

I will test them and generate a list

@romanstingler any news on this?