
Exception while testing Autopilot_route

Closed this issue · 11 comments

NOTE: I should preface all this with the note that the exceptions occurred when I "Imported Plugin" autopilot_route Perhaps the Import Plugin feature is not working right.

Don't know if it is the PI or Opencpn, most likely Autopilot_route.
Exception thrown at 0x726F7461 in opencpn.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x726F7461.
Screenshot (1330)

Screenshot (1332)

continuous loop between these two screens above.

I then stopped debugging and closed VS. Restarted VS and started debugging OpenCPN again. The safe mode prompt came up, picked safe mode. Then there were other exceptions as below.
Screenshot (1333)
Screenshot (1334)

Screenshot (1335)

I then closed VS again, and restarted VS and then Opencpn, picked safemode and it loaded without exceptions.

I then looked at the log file and attach it below. I did find this error:

07:45:35.611 MESSAGE plugin_loader.cpp:1187 PluginLoader: Loading PlugIn: C:\Users\fcgle\AppData\Local\opencpn\plugins\vdr_pi.dll
07:45:35.611 MESSAGE base_platform.cpp:271 PlugInManager: Using data dirs from: C:\Users\fcgle\AppData\Local\opencpn\plugins;C:\Users\fcgle\source\repos\OpenCPN\build\RelWithDebInfo\plugins
07:45:35.611 MESSAGE base_platform.cpp:290 Warning: no data directory found, using ""
07:45:35.611 MESSAGE icons.cpp:69 Loading toolbar icon: data\vdr_record_toggled.svg
07:45:35.611 MESSAGE base_platform.cpp:271 PlugInManager: Using data dirs from: C:\Users\fcgle\AppData\Local\opencpn\plugins;C:\Users\fcgle\source\repos\OpenCPN\build\RelWithDebInfo\plugins
07:45:35.611 MESSAGE base_platform.cpp:290 Warning: no data directory found, using ""
07:45:35.611   ERROR ffile.cpp:57 can't open file 'data\vdr_panel_icon.png' (error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.)
07:45:35.611   ERROR ffile.cpp:57 can't open file 'data\vdr_panel_icon.png' (error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.)
07:45:35.611   ERROR image.cpp:2678 Failed to load image from file "data\vdr_panel_icon.png".
07:45:35.611 WARNING vdr_pi.cpp:87 VDR panel icon has NOT been loaded

plus the missing tide data error.


I am going to reinstall VDR next.

But before doing that, all external plugins have green puzzles right now.
Screenshot (1336)

VDR shows as -1.0.0 version and has "TBD" as a button where normally "Reinstall"
Many other plugins show TBD too, including, Shipdriver, Tactics, UKtides, Watchdog,
but Weatherfax and Weather_routing do not, they show "Reinstall"

Screenshot (1338)

Screenshot (1340)

I then noticed that UKtides had a "TBD" and also had a version number of -1.0.0 similar to VDR, so I tried uninstalling that. It uninstalled with a message, success. The VDR plugin then changed into a brown box and no longer had "TBD" and had "Reinstall" so I reinstalled it, now it looks right.

Screenshot (1345)

Screenshot (1346)

However there are still green puzzles in the PI list.
After closing Opencpn and VS and reopening both, the green puzzles are gone.
VDR works as expected and UKtides has not been installed.

After struggling to get the TP1.0.230 upgrade to autopilot_route_pi working properly, it started working on Standard XTE setting, at a speed factor of 12 (which is too fast for testing really) using marco bergman's ais-simulator, then it went off track and my next restart of the testing just failed. I don't know what caused it to start working so nicely and then fail. Perhaps a clean environment helped.
Screenshot (1351)

Screenshot (1352)

At least it works sometimes. (:-)

NOTE: I should preface all this with the note that the exceptions occurred when I "Imported Plugin" autopilot_route Perhaps the Import Plugin feature is not working right.

leamas commented

This is a great bug report, but in the wrong place: this repo is about the catalog and related tools. It is not a general place to file bugs against plugins.

The correct place to file this is actually your own repo or perhaps Sean's upstream repo. You could for example file a very simple bug with a link to this.

Well, at the time I also suspected PIM was playing games too, and I believe it was, but there is probably still something wrong with autopilot_route for all I know.

I guess you want this closed and think that the PIM issues are resolved.