
Segmentation Fault(core dumped)

bfrnko opened this issue · 5 comments

bfrnko commented

Once i try test data, it gives "Segmentation fault(core dumped)" error. After find the line with problem by typing cout, the line is;
114-Segment_pc(pc_filtered, normals, seg_indices); --calibration.cpp
ıt does not segment filtered_pc somehow, interesting side of this error is that; i saved filtered_pc as .pcd file and i processed it in different scprits in same way then there is no any problem however once it is processed in calibration.cpp, it gives error. What can be the problem here?

I also encountered this problem, have you sovled it?

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -Wall -Wextra")

@Yan-0-0-Ye 感谢你提供的思路,完美的解决了我的问题,我想请教一下添加这些FLAGS的背后原因是什么?

@AlphaPlusTT 很遗憾,我不是很清楚里面的原因,如果你后续有所发现,可以分享一下

@Yan-0-0-Ye I solveed segfault to use your comment. Thanks a lot.
But, in my situation, I add thread lib on CMakelist too.