
Template Generator not working

Closed this issue · 5 comments

GovTech's tools to generate template in our development machine :
npm run dev-cli
works till it prompts:
? Organisation Domain Name? e.g:
it just hang there, no input accepted.
Any advice?

Tried created the templates and inserting subfolders in the folder under:
and amended the index.js in this folder

it compiles Okay
But the template is not used, only the default is used

Could you explain what is your expected outcome and what is the observed outcome?

Could you explain what is your expected outcome and what is the observed outcome?

expected outcome: the script promtps: ? Organisation Domain Name? e.g:
we expect it would accept input, we actually key our : but the input is not reflex on screen

observed outcome: the script is stuck at the prompts, we actually wait 8 hours, still stuck. so eventually we close the script.

Just to confirm, can you try hitting the enter key after it runs? We sometime see problems with interactive prompts on Windows

yes we did

Hi, the tool is currently deprecated in view of v2.0. For legacy templates, you may follow how the other institutes are doing it now.