
how to add a new institution into the version 2 renderer?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

We have installed the the version 2 renderer in June.
To add the sp template
We created the sp sub-folder in the path:
beside the other folders: ite, np, nyp, rp, singaporetech, tp
and amended the file index.js to add the lines for sp import and addDirToTemplatePath.
we bring in the template done in the eralier version in this sp sub-folder, and done some changes to the js files in our sp folder to correct the compliation error.

However the web-based view (localhost:3000/viewer) keep showing “Institution no in Registry” and the certificate is displayed using the default template. I believe we must have missed some steps such that our template is being used. On this we seek you help.

Please guide us

Could you send in a pull request so we have a look. Fork the legacy repo, then make the necessary changes on your own fork and then submit a pull request from your fork to us.

Also to clarify, that is not v2 of the renderer. That’s the legacy templates.

We have tried to fork and PR this same project
OpenCerts/legacy-templates@e294c51 :

in the previous issue track. Seemingly it was not done properly.
That's a harder problem for me to tackle, is there an alternative to that?

Phew! created the PR in OpenCerts/legacy-templates#10

the Pull request is created in OpenCerts/legacy-templates
pls review

hi sorry for the delay will review this by end of day tomorrow