
Cannot issue with Ledger Nano

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Our user complained that she is unable to issue certs with Ledger Nano on today. When she clicked on Issue nothing had happened. She was able to until yesterday. Has any update been made to the website? How can we solve this?



No changes has been made to the admin portal. Another user reported problem to issue using ledger as well: OpenCerts/opencerts-website#588

We provided an alternative flow to use ledger through metamask in the issue.

Let me know if it helps you.

Hi, Thanks for advice.

We have tried the recommendation in #588 but failed. We managed to add ledger nano into metamask hardware wallet and it can show up in admin website. However, issuance still cannot carry on.


Have you checked this comment: OpenCerts/opencerts-website#588 (comment)

Yes, the hardware is showing "Contract Data Allowed" already

Can you record the problem ?

I see the balance is a bit low, are you sure you have enough ethers when you accept the transaction ?

How to record the problem? The balance is equivalent to around $100, so should be enough to pay for one transaction.

you can use whatever tool that record part of the screen, there is one with window 10 for instance:

Please check out the recorded video uploaded. We tried a few times but no luck.

That particular merkle root has already been issued


Yes, the user has verified that it's been issued. I guess the transaction had taken too long time so she thought it failed. Thank you for all your efforts. I will close it.