
Deploying new store address

Closed this issue · 21 comments

Now we have installed Ledger Live and linked the account to our test token with its own ETH address (0xC2Dcf15030Fd5EB533904e1873F965618dA3ACD4), we also transferred funds to this address via Coin Base.

When we do deployment via the admin function no pop-up window, looking at the initialization procedure, it says we use the ETH address from the admin page instead (0x51b4121D0Dd433a3Cfbb98eE591E982C27Db1db5), are we supposed to send funds to this ETH address not the one indicated in the token?

How do we manage the fund from this ETH address in the Ledger Live?

Yes please send to the ETH address indicated on our admin site
You can access this wallet via if necessary but you shouldn't need to

I did sent the amount to the admin's ETH address (

Ropsten acct link from your admin page however shows no funds.

But upon clicking deploy, nothing is happening.. no-pop-up.

I'm not really sure I understand the situation here
Ropsten is completely separate to main net, it's for testing purposes. Sending funds to main net address will not result in funds showing up on ropsten

If you're deploying on main net using real ethers, use the ledger main net option

For testing, I already done the Metamask, it worked smoothly.

Now we're doing the creation of store address using the actual tokens which will be for UAT & Production. I sent funds using to the ETH address given for Ledger Nano (Ropsten), i don't see anything upon clicking deploy. I don't even know where did my funds go and how can i get it back? :/

Now i need to transfer again to the ETH address for Ledger Nano (Mainnet), my concern is if I have the same issue as Ropsten then i lost both funds.

Don't need to send funds again because the ledger main net and ledger ropsten address are deterministically derived from your ledger nano hardware wallet, so actually you've already transferred funds to the main net address as you can see here

That's good to hear, but it brings back to the same problem, I tried deploying using Mainnet and it just go to Deploying then back to Deploy button.

Another thing, this ETH address from the admin site will be the same address every time we issue certificate, it means we just keep track this address?

current gas price is a bit higher than normal, we're working on providing better feedback for insufficient gas errors please bear with us

in the meantime, 0.05 eth should be enough for this transaction to happen

yes this is the address you will put into the registry and you will always issue from this address

Our users was able to send funds and is now 0.052 ETH

But still the same issue, nothing is happening after clicking deploy.
Is the fund sufficient?

Can you take a screenshot of the state before you click on deploy?

If you see the metamask icon, you can see a (1) alert there. Could you click on the metamask to see if there is a notification to ask you to confirm the transaction?

Oh.. that one only asks me to log-in... i logged out of Metamask as I'm not using it now.
I'm using Mainnet so I assume it won't trigger any metamask transactions.

Hmm you have a very strange issue... Could you open the browser console and see if there is any logs there?

Also, can you check that:

  1. you are in the ethereum app
  2. you have enabled "contract data" in the settings of the ethereum app
  3. you have enabled the "display data" in the setting of the ethereum app

Settings looks ok, here's what I did this time. I just turned off the Metamask (extension) and tried again.
I confirmed the transaction from the token, and transaction seems to proceed as I can see funds had been deducted already:

But the admin site is stuck to Deploying for more than 5mins now, nothing is shown in the console log.

Interesting... we are working on a better interface to solve issues like this.

In the meanwhile, good to see that you got your store up. The store address is 0x73eee54e79f7b909c12a220187ec8705b1baa011

The contract can be found:

Curious.. why is the name Singapore Polytechnic PET (TEST) ?

Thanks for the info, business users still deciding on how to consolidate these stuffs.
Basically we have PET (Full time students) and CET (Continuing Education or Short Courses) both are in 2 different systems, maintained and owned by different departments.

As for the TEST, well i do the initial set-up to handle issues/cases like these so I can guide them when they do the actual PROD token/store.

Apologies for the rough edges around this project -

If its not too much trouble do you mind sharing your documentation of your learnings / this process?
That'll help us improve our user experience going foward

Oh i dont mind sharing.. No offence I find the guide really lacking some detailed info especially for us who were not familiar with cryptocurrency stuffs.. Will send it by this week ;)

no offence taken :-)
definitely understand that there's many areas lacking!


Please check this guide/doc, hopefully other institutions can find this useful: