
Warn users when download CSV if there are unsaved answers

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently, when downloading answers from the questionnaire page the CSV will only include answers which are saved.

If a user has unsaved answers, it would be confusing to have the download CSV only contain the answers that were saved.

We could do one of 3 things:

  1. Automatically save the answers
  2. Download the questions which are not saved and include them in the CSV
  3. If there are unsaved questions and the user selects the Download Answers, ask the user if they would like to save them and include them in the CSV

I prefer approach 3. I would not want to save their answers without asking (as in 1). Downloading unsaved answers in 2 could also be confusing if they exit the application without saving.

Propose a message "You have unsaved answers. Do you want to save and include in the answers download?"

@theopenchainproject Let me know your thoughts on the approach.

Note: This is a moderate amount of work and will require localization of the messages.

I concur with your approach and suggest using the wording from issue 151

FYI, if this additional work falls outside the scope of what can be done as a volunteer, please ping me and we’ll set something up.