Collar Force Without Owner online
Micaed opened this issue · 2 comments
What version of OpenCollar are you using? 8.2.3
What behavior did you expect? Not to be "Forced" without permission
What behavior did you see instead? collar Forcing my Height and while dancing forcing me to lay prone
What steps does someone need to take to reproduce the problem? Review the below....and let me know how to make it stop
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @Detach=n (duplicate)
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @Detach=n (duplicate)
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @versionnew=293847
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @clear
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar v1.0: Found 0 themes
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @Detach=n
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @Detach=n (duplicate)
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @Detach=n (duplicate)
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @Setgroup=y (unset)
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar v1.0: Startup in progress... be patient
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar v1.0: RLV active!
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @Detach=n (duplicate)
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @detachallthis:.outfits/.core=y (unset)
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @sendim:f86dc311-9293-4248-84cf-244fb8fab957=add,recvim:f86dc311-9293-4248-84cf-244fb8fab957=add,recvchat:f86dc311-9293-4248-84cf-244fb8fab957=add,recvemote:f86dc311-9293-4248-84cf-244fb8fab957=add,tplure:f86dc311-9293-4248-84cf-244fb8fab957=add,accepttp:f86dc311-9293-4248-84cf-244fb8fab957=add,startim:f86dc311-9293-4248-84cf-244fb8fab957=add
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @adjustheight:1;0;0.020000=force
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar v1.0: Collar ready. Startup complete
[11:20] RE Sublime Star Collar v1.0: You are owned by: NEO (neoprime)
[11:21] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @adjustheight:1;0;0.020000=force
[11:21] RE Sublime Star Collar - Maitreya: executes: @adjustheight:1;0;0.020000=force
OpenCollar uses rlv height adjustments, which is what is meant by "force". If you don't want your standing pose to be affected by this, make sure you go to Animations > Pose and first press Stop to stop any active collar pose. Then use the up and down arrows to set your height to zero. If you have an RLV height adjustment active while dancing, then either you adjusted those arrows while not in a collar pose, or there is a collar pose active but hidden by another animation.
I assume you realize you are seeing those settings in chat because you have Show Debug Messages checked in RLVa > Debug. Closing this .