Parse Error io.openems.edge.evcs.keba.kecontact.ReadHandler
dtometzki opened this issue · 11 comments
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I got a Keba P30 Walbox. Now i see in the Log Parse Errors and the status is: Error
15/02/2024, 17:43:39
Error while parsing KEBA message: JSON failed to parse [ Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 9 path $]: report 3
15/02/2024, 17:43:39
Error while parsing KEBA message: JSON failed to parse [ Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 9 path $]: report 2
15/02/2024, 17:43:38
What would like to see implemented? nothing
What is the usecase?nothing
This issue sometimes happens - i actually do not know why.
Restarting the KEBA Application fixes this most of the time.
If you are using a FEMS please report this to Fenecon ! :)
If not - maybe you can add some debug statements to your Code and see where the JSON is malformed so we can fix this?
Hello @Sn0w3y,
Many thanks. do you know as owner how i can restart the app in FEMS ?
Best regards
Many thanks. do you know as owner how i can restart the app in FEMS ?
As i told you - please ask Fenecon Support for this Topic :) They are very helpful in this matter !
You as a owner can only restart the FEMS:,in%20das%20Online%2DMonitoring%20%C3%BCbertr%C3%A4gt.
I do NOT work at Fenecon :D
@da-Kai can be closed i guess as it is not directly openEMS related ?
Maybe we should really use JsonReader.setLenient(true) for Kebas as i see this error very often in the field
That would be great
Hi @dtometzki,
this fault is coming up if the IP address is the one of the OpenEMS device - in you case the IP of the fems.
This could happen if the KEBA was not read from the display but from the router as described in the documentation.
But of course it would be an improvement to show this information as a common WARNING or FAULT in the System State.
Best regards,
This could happen if the KEBA was not read from the display but from the router as described in the documentation.
Hi @sebastianasen,
i also want to understand. But i do not understand your saying in this sentence :D The Keba is not read from Display ?
I guess you mean the IP?
Also the IP can be set Dynamic so the approach to read the IP from the Router is also possible instead.
Hi @sebastianasen,
yes it can be the case. The Walbox has one IP and the FEMS has an other IP. But the main issue is when it is in Error State. The Walbox doesnt use the settings. The result is the Walbox load the car with Full speed without regulation.
Please do a fix for this issue. I wrote a message to service @ fenecon.
Many Thnaks for you help
Hello together,
i found the problem with fenecon. The Problem was the KEBA APP in FEMS Monitoring had the wrong IP set.
We set it correctly and now it works.
Perhaps the Error Message can be improved here.
But many thanks for all the help.
Hello together,
i found the problem with fenecon. The Problem was the KEBA APP in FEMS Monitoring had the wrong IP set. We set it correctly and now it works.
Perhaps the Error Message can be improved here.
But many thanks for all the help.
Maybe also try to set the IP to "fixed" in your Router so the KEBA does not get another IP Address assigned.
Maybe also try to set the IP to "fixed" in your Router so the KEBA does not get another IP Address assigned.
Yes i did now