
Linux - field only runs when in home directory

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The bash script would not work unless the "Field" directory was located like this:


The wiki doesn't say to do this, so maybe we could include that to help other users. I wasn't able to modify the script to allow for a different location without breaking it.

Thanks for the awesome application and for letting us play along!

BTW - I'm using Arch Linux x86_64 and Field works great.

The Field launch scripts for linux go through a certain amount of gymnastics to let Field be located anywhere (and they regularly work, Field is never located at /home/user/Field on my machines for example). Any idea what's going wrong on Arch x86_64? Not least of all because I'm about about to move to Arch myself.

I think it's probably ok on this architecture to run in ~/fieldwork/Field/Contents as expected. Arch recommends no particular window manager so that can cause some predictability issues for dwm, awesome, etc. Haven't yet tested with xmonad, which is also popular. Related, I did have to add an explicit reference for XULRunner at one point.