mbdyn - kitefastmbd

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to compile the KiteMain.mbd file from the "m600_platform" (KiteFAST test cases) and I get an error that it can not find the "libmodule-kitefastmbd-os".

Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions.


Hi @casanova555 Please provide more details. What have you tried specifically? If you followed instructions, which ones? What platform are you using? Any details that would help someone else get an idea of your issue are helpful.

Hi Rafael,

this is for the m600_platform test case, I've run the preprocessor/ in the WindowsPowerShell using the command:
"python3 ....\preprocessor\ -i .\m600_model.yml" in the folder "m600_platform", then the folder gets populated, after that I run the command "C:\Users\e33992\Source\Repos\mbdyn\mbdyn\mbdyn .\KiteMain.mbd" but I don't see anything happening after this.
So I compiled the mbdyn from ubuntu installation using the command: "/usr/local/mbdyn/bin/mbdyn KiteMain.mbd" from the folder m600_platform but I get an error: "ModuleLoad_int: unable to open module (file not found) at line 4, file <KiteMain.mbd>"


I look forward to your comments.